Blackjack Animal Rescue can always use more foster homes. Our foster homes are the backbone of our rescue. This is because the provide the difference between life and death for our dogs. Without foster homes the majority of our dogs would not have made it out of the shelter alive.
Fostering makes you a greater part of the dogs rescue equation. As a foster you are getting our rescue dog ready for adoption by taking them into your home and we couldn't be more grateful to our foster families. You help prepare the dog for adoption by giving then the skills and training necessary to make a smooth transition to a forever home. BARCC doesn't have a physical shelter and can only rescue as many dogs as we have foster homes, therefore by
becoming a foster parent you are directly saving the lives of shelter dogs.
As a foster parent, you will enjoy nurturing your dog, physical and emotion until it is adopted and that can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. BARCC so be there with you every step of the way. You'll work with a foster coordinator to make sure to find the right foster for you. We will never pressure you to take in a dog, especially one that isn't a good fit for your household.
How does fostering work?
1. Each foster will work with our foster coordinator. Our foster coordinator will be there if you need help. We also have a closed group as a lifeline for all of our foster's to get together and chat about any issues and discoveries they have made.
2. We do not always know what to expect when the dog is coming straight from a shelter and we rely on the information from the shelter. We do provide our fosters with as much information about the dog as we can.
3. We pay for all approved vet care at approved vet offices for our dogs. We do try to vet our dogs before moving them to foster homes.
4. We depend and value what our foster families say about our dogs. We want to know the personality and temperament of the dog. It helps to determine what kind of home the dog would benefit from. We also like to know what the foster family believes would be a good home.
5. For almost all of our foster dogs you may need to meet a transport or a driver to get your foster dog, or we may send you to meet one of our volunteers.
6. Our adoption coordinator will work to find your foster dog the right home. We will need you to give us information/personality/bio to help us place the dog properly. In some situations we may ask you to speak with the potential adopters.
7. Only at certain locations do we offer adoption events. If you are in one of those locations and can attend the adoption event with your foster dog it is recommended.
So what do you get for fostering? Aside from the warm and fuzzy feelings from knowing you are making a huge difference in the lives of rescue dogs, BARCC also provides our fosters with all necessary veterinary care and medicine and for their foster animals and making ourselves available to answer any and all questions you have.