Why Foster?
Fostering a dog is one of the most rewarding experiences you can have in life. Blackjack Animal Rescue and Catahoula Connection (BARCC) does not have a physical shelter, we rely completely on foster homes. By temporarily taking an animal in need into your home you are:
1. Increasing that dog’s chance will be adopted. By fostering a dog, you are the link between them and their potential adopters. By fostering a dog, you also have the ability to transform a scared, or shy dog from the shelter into a dog anyone would be lucky or love to adopt.
2. You help BARCC learn more about the dog’s personality. As a foster, your daily interactions with your foster dog will help us learn about his/her unique personality as well as about any behavior issues. It can be hard to know about a dog when they are living in a stressful, scary shelter environment. By placing a dog in one of our foster homes it helps us learn if he/she likes children, likes other dog's, chases the cats or has a prey drive, has separation anxiety, barks when crated, knows any basic commands, or if the dog has high or low energy etc. Knowing all of this info helps us find and place each dog in the perfect forever home! Most of our dogs are fostered for at least 2 weeks down South prior to coming North, so we are able to know a bit about the dog before taking him/her into your home.
3. As a Foster, you will appreciate your own dog’s good behavior. On the contrary, you may realize your foster dog is better behaved than your own dog! Your dog will also be a
great teacher for your foster dog. Your dog will show him/her how to acclimate to life in a home. One of the benefits of fostering is the socialization your own dog(s) receives.
4. Most importantly by fostering you are saving lives! BARCC is almost always at capacity and once we are, we cannot commit to anymore dogs until additional foster homes open up. By taking in a foster dog, you save two lives; first your foster dog and the second is the dog who took his place in the shelter.
5. Our rescue (BARCC) would not and could not exist without foster homes. We depend entirely on foster homes because we do not have a physical building. If it weren't for all of our generous foster families, our rescue wouldn't be able to continue.
6. Foster families are a great benefit to the dogs we save because they get to live with a family not in a shelter. Most dogs get stressed out in shelter conditions. Shelters are extremely noisy and have limited one-on-one interactions. Many times the dogs don't get enough exercise, training or socialization. This causes some dogs to develop issues like pent-up energy, frustration, aggression or boredom.
7. Fostering is a volunteer position and volunteering makes a person feel good! Fostering a dog is a great way to give back to your community. If you love animals, there is nothing
more rewarding than helping a homeless dog! Plus fostering does give you warm and fuzzy feeling in and of itself.
8. It is a way to help without spending a lot of money. If you don't have the money to donate to animal rescues and Shelters, you can always donate your time by fostering.
The main items a foster is required is shelter, love and food (and sometimes we can help with the food!)